Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thank God!

Romans 7:25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

That's it...the answer is Jesus!

Who really cares? Jesus
What do I do with a rebelling child? Jesus
When will I get a much needed job? Jesus
Why do I feel alone in a sea of people? Jesus
Where do I go from here? Jesus
Where is my rent? Jesus

He is the answer! We go to everyone else first, and then we say we will pray about it. NO! Jesus first! Don't let others crowd what God would have for you!

Whatever your pain, your triumph, your hopes, your dreams, your darkest hour, your mountaintop experience...Jesus is there!

People will fail us, because well, we are all human. Jesus NEVER fails!

I'm human too with a pretty honest outlook on life, but without Jesus I would be lost.
The things that I have been able to overcome are only by his grace.
The things that I see are only because he has allowed me a glimpse from a different perspective.
The hardships I face aren't as hard because he guides me and he promised to never leave or forsake me.

What are you facing? What are your needs? What are your victories? What is your story?

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